Having encountered exec format error stacktrace for two times already, I definitely want to log it 😤
First encounter I got this error when I got a new Mac M1 from my employer. I was using colima as docker desktop replacement for Mac. While working on a feature for a service, I built container image using colima; pushed the image to container registry and tried deploying to dev environment. And saw the exec format error in logs....
It is useful to configure hostnames for kubernetes ingresses when testing kubernetes application locally on a developer’s machine.
We may add LoadBalancer IP address to /etc/hosts file to be able to open ingress hostname in browsers.
Minikube Show IP of the LoadBalancer 1 2 minikube ip update localhost /etc/hosts file example 1 2 demo.nginx.local demo1.nginx.local Rancher Desktop Assuming ingress-nginx is installed following nginx-ingress-rancher-destop in ingress-nginx namespace....