Exec Format Error

Having encountered exec format error stacktrace for two times already, I definitely want to log it 😤 First encounter I got this error when I got a new Mac M1 from my employer. I was using colima as docker desktop replacement for Mac. While working on a feature for a service, I built container image using colima; pushed the image to container registry and tried deploying to dev environment. And saw the exec format error in logs....

Kubernetes introduction

Kubernetes Introduction Build a docker image Dockerfile default filename FROM base image to be used for container ADD copies files/directories/remote file urls to container filesystem. Tarball and Remote URL (git, http) handling COPY same as ADD without tar and remote url handling CMD kubectl –namespace <DEV|STAGING|PROD> get deployments,pods,svc,ingress cd scripts/ ./createServicePrincipal.sh tti-maps-k8s-sp Module 1 creating a cluster 1 2 3 4 5 6 minikube start minikube dashboard kubectl version kubectl cluster-info kubectl get nodes,pods kubectl get nodes --help Module 2 deploy an app Create a deployment using kubectl create deployment...

Docker introduction

Docker for Java Developers Basic Docker commands docker images ls to list docker images docker container ls to list containers Containers and Images Docker CLI docker info shows basic docker infor about containers/images/volumes, runtimes, kernal version, OS details, etc docker version client and server version for docker api docker --help list of commands available prefer to use management commands like: docker image ls docker container ls Run a container docker container run jboss/wildfly download wildfly and run it....