What is the Tech Radar?

The Tech Radar is a list of technologies categorized into two elements: quadrants and rings. led ring assignment. We use four rings with the following semantics:

  • ADOPT — Technologies that the industry should be adopting. I have high confidence these technologies to solve problems
  • TRIAL — Technologies worth pursuing. I have seen work with success in project works.
  • ASSESS — Technologies that are promising and have clear potential. It's worth to invest some research and prototyping efforts in to see if it has impact.
  • HOLD — Technologies that should be used with caution. Technologies that are not yIt's not recommended to be used for new projects. Technologies that we think are not (yet) worth to (further) invest in./li>

What is the purpose?

The Tech Radar is a tool to pick the best technologies for new/old projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and continuously evolve our technology landscape.

Tech Radar Background

AFAIK, the original Tech Radar was introduced by Thoughtworks as an opinionated guide to technology frontiers. You may use thoughtworks' open source code to generate radar visualization.

This visualization is based on Zalando's Tech radar based on their open source code