Ansible introduction
- Command module: Takes the command and executes it
- Shell module: Executes through a shell like /bin/sh
- Script module: Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it.
- raw: executes a ssh command. useful for installation python3
Adhoc commands
- ansible all - ping
- ansible web -m command -a “uptime”
- ansible localhost -m setup
Static inventory
Sample inventory:
Test adhoc commands
- ansible all -i hosts.ini -u vagrant -m ping: to test if systems are up
- ansible all -i hosts.ini -u vagrant -m setup: to test if system is setup
- ansible webservers -i hosts -u vagrant -m yum -a “name=python36 state=present” -b: installing packages python. -a is for args for yum module, -b become root
- Ansible is idempotent
- ansible webservers -i hosts -u vagrant -m yum -a “name=python36 state=absent” -b: to remove python
Ansible can work with metadata from various sources and manage their context in the form of variable. Can be facts, filepaths, package versions, etc.
Variable precedence (ansible 2.x):
- Extra vars
- Task vars
- Block vars
- Role and include vars
- Play vars_files
- Play vars_prompt
- Play vars
- Set_facts
- Registered vars
- Host facts
- Playbook host_vars
- Playbook group_vars
- Inventory host_vars
- Inventory group_vars
- Inventory vars
- Role defaults
get_url: download an archive git: clone a source code repo
Example tasks in a play
Handler Tasks
Handlers are special tasks that run at the end of the play if notified by another task (caused by change of state). If a configuration file gets changed notify a service restart it needs to run.
Plays and Playbooks
Plays are ordered sets of taks to execute against host selections from your inventory. A playbook is a file containing one or more plays
Playbook example:
Playbook files
site.yml(or main.yml)
- ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml: to run playbook (execute tasks from top to bottom)
Transition playbooks to roles
Roles are a packages of closely related ansible content that can be shared more easily than plays alone
Roles directory structure
- defaults:
- files:
- handlers:
- meta:
- molecule:
- tasks:
- templates:
- vars:
Creating a new role
- ansible-galaxy init –help
- ansible-galaxy init role_name
- meta: flush_handler: runs the handler right now
Running multiple roles in a playbook